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Making the decision to start graduate school can be difficult. These are three reasons why you might decide to pursue graduate studies.
Deciding whether or not to start a graduate program can be a difficult decision to make. In graduate school, you learn a lot of transferrable skills that could serve you well in many fields and career endeavors, however, there are many other paths that allow you to gain skills just as valuable. This post will outline three reasons your might consider graduate studies in particular.
You are going to learn all about why you might get a graduate degree and reasons to pursue graduate studies, and these points will help you as you make this big decision!
3 Reasons to Pursue Graduate Studies
1. You Like to Read and Write
Graduate school is a lot of reading and writing about your area of study. If you enjoy that process, graduate school may be good fit for you as you will be expected to produce many writings based on research questions and your understanding of the literature of your choosing. In order to provide comprehensive writings, you will have to spend a lot of time reading the literature in your area. Therefore, it will be helpful in grad school if in depth reading is something you enjoy.
2. You Like to Share Knowledge
Graduate school is also a lot of sharing knowledge based on what you are reading and writing. This may be via teaching, presentations, or public dissemination outlets. This portion of academia is becoming more and more important, so, if you enjoy this process, graduate school might be a great fit for you.
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3. You Want to Contribute to the Body of Knowledge about a Given Subject
Graduate and doctoral training and is all about expanding the body of knowledge in a given subject. If you are passionate about that idea, this career path could be a great fit. Contributing to the body of knowledge in a field typically means publishing in academic journals; a long process that entails submitting your manuscript to a journal and making several rounds of edits based reviewer feedback. Once your paper is accepted for publication, your paper will be found online and print copies of the journal.
This post was all about reasons to pursue graduate studies.
I would love to hear your thoughts below! How did you decide to pursue graduate studies (or not)?
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