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Want to know the keys to grad school success? These are three key tips to help you excel during your time in graduate school.
When starting grad school, you may be wondering how to be successful. It is natural to want to know how to start this journey in the best way possible. As someone who has completed grad school as well as mentored graduate students, I am giving you three critical tips to be successful in graduate school.
You are going to learn all about how to be a successful graduate student, graduate success, and habits of successful PhD students.
After making note of these tips you will start grad school feeling more prepared!
How to be a Successful Graduate Student
1. Manage Your Time
There will be a lot of demands on your time in grad school, so time management is essential to make sure you are fulfilling all of your obligations. There are many strategies people use to have optimal time management, and its all about finding the system that works best for you. See previous posts listed below about time management.
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2. Be Kind
Sometimes, graduate school can appear to be a high-stress, competitive environment. It is always important to be kind to everyone you meet, and this holds even more true in stressful environments. Being kind and displaying positivity can go along way to help reduce stress in the environment.
3. Find Healthy Ways to Sustain Yourself
People would always tell me that “graduate school is a marathon and not a sprint.” There are many milestones to reach prior to graduation. Therefore, it is important to find ways to sustain your wellness as you work through difficult milestones that require a lot of time and effort. This will ensure you are taking care of yourself and feel the energy and groundedness needed to achieve your goal. Ways to sustain oneself could include finding social groups outside of school, starting a hobby, maintaining exercise goals, and treating yourself to activities you enjoy.
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